Select work across brand, creative, and growth marketing.
Brand / Creative / Awareness Strategy
A VC-backed hardware and SaaS startup positioned to disrupt the $49.9 billion US security services market with the first-of-its-kind digital presence detection solution.
Brand / Creative / Growth Strategy
Label Insight
A VC-backed B2B SaaS startup and leading product attribute metadata provider finds its market positioning and brand story and drives 300% growth in revenue.
Brand / Creative / Direct Marketing
Office Designs
An omnichannel retailer disrupting the $14 billion US premium office furniture industry with the first digital direct-to-customer business model.
Brand / Retail Store Design
Phoebe’s Bakery
A whimsical Chicago-based bakery reimagines its brand to bake a delectable retail experience.
Creative Direction / Photo Shoot
Herman Miller
A furniture design behemoth partners with a leading retailer to envision Enduring Icons — the evolution and endurance of modern work life.
Brand / Creative / Event Marketing
Cusp Conference
An eclectic technology and design conference brands itself as the cross-pollinator of ideas, sparking a decade of inspiration.